WooFrance Dépannage et support WordPress WooCommerce Forums How to WooCommerce WooCommerce – renewal woocommerce payment extension

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  • Auteur
  • #455425
    Cedric Godard Pro
    Points: 12 pts


    I use woocommerce and woocommerce payment for my subscription for my virtual product.

    My problem is about when the renewal payment of my subsciption failed:

    The statut of my subscription go to onhold and a newpayment is try the next othe day.

    The problem is my client can acces tothe restrict page until all the try of renewal is failed.


    I want to do is when a renewal subscription is try once and failed cancelled the subscrition.

    Can i do  that with no code  like in the parameter if not how i can do that withcode and put it in code snippet or in my function.php.

    I thank you by advance to all the help you can give me.

    Points: 3,389 pts
    Membre 2 étoiles

    Hello, thanks for your interest , i think you have a bad configuration on your payment method, that may caused error.

    PS: post your topic in french to get more help from the french user.

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